

Our spirit

In French-speaking Africa, almost all countries have adopted the French associative model. Thus, associations therefore come under the 1901 law. However, this legal form has been transposed as is with its strengths and weaknesses in a country, without taking into account local issues.
In certain countries, including Togo, the status of association is very little recognized. As a result, they have little financial and moral support from the State. Consequently, those responsible for these structures encounter real difficulties in managing them and keeping them going. There is a real demand from them and a need to act with them.
Univers Togolais is an association based in France precisely in Nantes. In addition to the actions carried out in France, it will act in Togo in West Africa.

Our Mission

The mission of the Univers Togolais International Solidarity Association is to help the population achieve social and cultural well-being. How ? By promoting participatory development and inter-community exchanges. Univers Togolais aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and know-how between people but also to promote sustainable development.. To do this, the Association wishes:
  • Promote voluntary initiatives and exchanges,
  • Allow the exchange of skills,
  • Encourage international solidarity,
  • Support the implementation of development projects and programs.


To achieve these objectives, Univers Togolais wishes to implement actions: :
  • The organization of international projects (bringing together local and foreign volunteers around a common project)
  • Setting up international internships (agreed internships)
  • Information, awareness and prevention among populations regarding STDs and STIs
  • Accessibility to culture through seminars, conferences, theater evenings or sporting activities
  • Cooperation with public authorities, NGOs, Churches, local and international communities
  • The establishment of sponsorship for children in the field of education and health
  • Donations of school supplies to students who are in need
  • Donate school supplies to needy students
  • A partnership with village development committees (CVD) and basic Christian communities (CCB) in the realization of their social project
  • Support for victims of HIV/AIDS
  • Distribution of impregnated mosquito nets to the most deprived populations
  • The implementation, occasionally, of donations to health infrastructures and care units
  • Knowledge of Togolese culture internationally Legal status

Legal status

The Association is recognized by the French State under the number SIRET 923 430 755 00010.
univers togo

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Evɔɔɔ midzooo !!!
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